
Magic Places I - Health Environments

Magic Places I - Health Environments

Some years ago, in 2012, we developed a really beautiful project. The project was named “Ventanas Mágicas" (in english: "Magic Windows"). Thought it, the Hospital de la Fe, in Valencia, pretended to provide a feeling of pleasantness to patients attending to the radiology department.

This project involved the implementation of art works which represented elements of nature in lenticular panels with backlit ceilings, as "magic windows", and panels in the waiting rooms and corridors of the image area.

The project was born from the idea that the surrounding environment has a positive effect on the health and emotional status of patients who have to visit the hospital and undergo medical tests. These "magic windows" produce in patients feelings of tranquility, peace, optimism and compassion.

The patients get to become engrossed by the visual concept of this project, as by any art work, and distracted, thus your negative thoughts.

The project was very well received. In a survey the 86% of patients asked were happy with the project.

Projects of this type have been carried out in many sanitary buildings throughout the world.

In Amsterdam's Hospital there was conducted a similar project, creating a backlit lenticular mural composed of 18 panels that aims to bring patients' to life the concepts described above: welfare, peace and quiet with a lovely image of nature.

This piece was developed by America Digitaal Druk and his name is Inca Eagle 44.

However, this type of artistic developments are not confined to health care settings. The idea of ​​relaxing and satisfying environments for citizens has also been performed in countless public places in order to attract them sedate and beautiful environments. But that, we'll tell you in the next post.

Meanwhile, tell us what do you think. Do you think that using lenticular technology and art contributes to the welfare of patients and their families? Have you been in any of these areas?

See you on the next touch of magic.



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